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Od dzi¶ z F.M.C. mo¿emy pobraæ nowego moda do gry fallout2 bazuj±cego na jednej nowej mapie , dziewiêciu bohaterach niezale¿nych ,trzech misjach i a¿ dwunastu zakoñczeniach oraz wielu innych drobniejszych dodatkach. Autorem moda jest znakomity moder znany na ca³ym globie Lisac2k ( twórca wielu tekstów dotycz±cych modowania oraz autor produkowanego Shattered Destiny) .

Oto co sam autor pisze o nowy modzie:


This is a small mod cosisting of one map, 9 NPCs, 3 main quests and bunch of references to... Well, to many issues (check out the List of Features for more info). The idea came from the numerous previews of Fallout 3, which is currently in production, that struck the Fallout Fans who were eagerly waiting for the worthy sequel of their favourite game franchise for more than 10 years.

On the other hand, the mod has been made as a "from modders for modders" project, which should provide better overview in what way the Fallout 2 game can be modded and how a new, small mod can be released in just a few weeks (it took me less than two weeks to make this one). The script sources have been included, though I hadn't enough time to optimise them, so there's probably parts which are hard to understand. Nonetheless, I hope some of this mod's features will find their way into other mods, or at least sparkle a few of new ideas.


    * 1 new map
    * 9 new NPCs
    * 3 new quests
    * 12 different endings (!)
    * Dumb character path
    * Bunch of references to Fallout 1, 2 and 3
    * Other references
    * Many of the items on the map will be randomly spawned (replayability)
    * Barrels (!) which are burning during the night, providing some light
    * 1 new weapon (!)
    * ... and much more!

Enjoy the new mod and waste some more time with it, while waiting for Shattered Destiny.

¼ród³o: newfmc.prv.pl

Chcia³bym poinformowaæ, ¿e jest nowa poprawiona wersja moda od dzisiaj, 1.01. Do pobrania z FMC w download. Poza tym, rozpoczê³y siê prace nad t³umaczeniem tekstów tego moda.
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • erfly06132.opx.pl

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