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...wywiad Toddem Howard'em (Bethesda Softworks)

Interview with Todd
(Interview by Mr. Teatime)

Hi Todd. Firstly, can you elaborate at all on the status of Fallout 3?
It's currently in pre-production, which includes design, concept art, and prototyping various systems. We'll be in that phase for a long time until we have something running we feel is fun and works well.

Would you say you plan to work on Fallout 3 alongside Oblivion, or wait until Oblivion is nearly ready to ship before really getting into work on Fallout? I noticed you're looking to hire new people who preferably have experience with the Fallout series...
We stagger projects, so while one is in full production, another is in pre-production. They're very different modes of developing. Pre-production is a lot looser, trying ideas, doing concepts, and really getting a small version of the game up to try all the risky ideas and see what works and what doesn't. Pre-production is done with a smaller team. Once we have a good nugget of the game pinned down, we move a lot of staff on the game and start "production," where we are really churning out content. So you don't really want to throw lots of people on a project until that pre-production version is really tight, or you end up with a lot of people doing a lot of work that ultimately you may redo, which only frustrates everyone and lengthens the development time.

Are there any plans to have contact with developers who have worked on the franchise before, for consultation on the Fallout universe or any other aspect of development of Fallout 3?
Yes, that's already occurred. There's a lot of passion from everyone to see Fallout return.

What, in your mind, are some of the things that differentiate the Fallout games (ignoring FO: Tactics and FO: Brotherhood of Steel, which didn't happen) from the Elder Scrolls series of RPGs?
Outside of the obvious flavor and setting, the number one thing is stronger characters. Fallout really set the standard for me on believable people, good dialogue, and character choice and consequence. With Elder Scrolls, we do aim for something enormous, and we simply can't focus on say - 20 to 40 really deep strong characters and just do them. With Oblivion, we're doing a much better job than we've done before, but the scale of game is so different that without sacrificing some of what makes The Elder Scrolls what it is, I don't think we'd be able to have the same level of characterization in NPCs Fallout did. So with Fallout 3, that's something we want to do well, a limited number of super-deep NPCs.

Concerning Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, what marked the games as special for you? What were some of your favourite experiences in those games?
There are so many, most of them stem from the first game, because that's the one that obviously had the biggest impact. The ending always stuck with me. It took balls to end the game like that.

What are your goals for Fallout 3?
To return Fallout to RPG prominence. To do the series justice while also bringing it into the current day. This is as big for us as an Elder Scrolls title, so we're not going to skimp on it.

Any hints about plots you're considering?
Sorry, no hints yet.

What are your thoughts on the timeframe and location for the game? By the end of Fallout 2, the world had changed a lot from the way it was when first emerging from the vault at the start of Fallout 1.
Ok, I can say it takes place after Fallout 2. But it's much more in the Fallout 1 flavor. I'm not sure if that makes sense without the specifics, but Fallout 1 is more our role model than Fallout 2.

Whilst every fan tends to have a different idea of what precisely Fallout 3 should be, there are a few things that most of us are unified on. Are you aware of the strong desires for turn-based combat and the classic 3/4 top-down viewpoint? Do you think pure turn-based combat in an RPG is viable in today's market?
Yes, of course we've heard many of the old-school fans regarding the view and combat resolution. What's viable today? Certainly turn-based combat limits your audience to a small number, but I do find that audiences will come if your game is good enough and the presentation is superb. Ultimately we'll do what we think will be the most fun.

Though I understand a lot of decisions are yet to be made about the game, could you see Bethesda doing an RPG that didn't use first/third person camera angle (like Morrowind) as its default view? Should you decide to explore this direction, is the technology you're developing capable of supporting this viewpoint?
The rendering technology can put cameras anywhere. But don't confuse camera angle with interface and interaction, they're two very different things.

Will you be using the SPECIAL system in Fallout 3?
Yes, we have rights to it and plan on using it.

Ron Pearlman. Do you know if he still does voice-over work?
He does actually. I'm pretty sure he was in Halo 2.
It's known Oblivion will ship with comprehensive editing tools, just like Morrowind did.

Do you plan for similar tools to ship with Fallout 3, given the strong modding community the series has built up?
I can't really say yet, but we had a great experience with Morrowind doing it, and are doing it again with Oblivion.

Have you thought of doing any spin-off titles in the game universe, or is Fallout 3 the only thing you've got planned for the franchise?
It's the only thing we're doing right now with Fallout. So if you hear or see anything other than "Fallout 3," it's not us.

What's your opinion of the Fallout fanbase?
The response we've gotten from everyone has been incredible. It seems like almost every gamer and press guy is a fan of the original, and are really looking forward to what we're going to do with it, and really looking forward to seeing Fallout return to a new era of gaming. I think the hardcore fans are incredibly misunderstood, and frankly, have been mistreated in the past. We've been reading the forums a lot and much of our thinking on Fallout 3 is just listening to experiences people had with the other games, like how those games made them feel, what they liked and disliked about every Fallout game.
The reason we wanted to make a Fallout game in the first place, was just how much we loved the first game. But we weren't the ones online posting all the time about a game from 97. Think about that...8 years later and they still haven't gotten a decent Fallout RPG, and people keep shoving crap at them. I'd be pissed too. I'd be wary of the new guys from Bethesda too. Hopefully when they see our game they'll give it a shot

jakby to daæ na polski to nadaje siê na newsa ;] ...
Tez tak sobie pomyslalem... tylko wypadaloby zapytac DaC o zgode na publikacje (z tlumaczeniem)...
Jakos nie zauwazylem zeby sie serwisy siebie pytaly o takie rzeczy... jednak trzeba podac zrodlo oryginalu w newsie i tyle:)

Gwoli walki turowej. Howard sugeruje raczej, ¿e nie uraczymy tego elementu w FO3 i ¿e ma nadziejê, ¿e grupa zwolenników tego typu rozwi±zañ i tak polubi grê (pod warunkiem, ¿e bêdzie rzeczywi¶cie dobra pod innymi wzglêdami - wa¿niejszymi dla serii Fallouta) - bez wzglêdu na zastosowany tryb walki.
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