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A jednak nie mialem racji piszac pare miesiecy temu ze TIVO to juz historia.
Wlasnie okazalo sie ze TIVO wygralo proces z Dish Networkiem o stosowanie DVR w odbiornikach tego ostatniego.

TiVo is a pioneer in Digital Video Recorder (DVR) products and services. TiVo is a relatively small company whose entire business centers around expanding and advancing DVR functionality and technology. TiVo introduced DVRs to consumers and protected its inventions with patents. EchoStar is a very large media company that provides DVR products and services in direct competition with TiVo. Unlike TiVo partners such as DIRECTV and Comcast, EchoStar has refused to enter into an agreement with TiVo which left TiVo no choice but to defend its intellectual property in federal court.

After several years of expensive litigation, in April 2006, EchoStar's DVR products were found by a jury to be infringing one of TiVo's patents. TiVo is pleased that a federal court has recognized that TiVo's business will be irreparably harmed if EchoStar were allowed to continue to infringe TiVo's patent. Any shutdown of DVR functionality for existing DISH Network customers is entirely and directly due to EchoStar's infringement of TiVo's patent rights. It is unfortunate that DISH Network's actions have put its customers in the awkward position of potentially having DVR functionality disabled but DISH Network customers who want to ensure uninterrupted DVR service can get DVR products and services from TiVo and its partners.

Oznacza to ze Dish musi w ciagu 30 dni wylaczyc funkcje nagrywania programow na twardym dysku. Pare milionow klijetow Disha nie bedzie juz moglo nagrywac swojich ulubionych programow. Trudno mi jest teraz przewidziec co sie stanie ale zapewne przyhamuje to ekspansje Disha.

Natomiast dla milosnikow HDTV i nagrywania sobie takich programow na wlasny urzytek TIVO przygotowuje we wrzesniu premiere swojego nowego urzadzenia TIVO3.

i widok z tylu:

Programy HDTV i to nawet te kodowane jako MPEG4 bedzie mozna nagrywac na zewnetrzny twardy dysk SATA. Programy HDTV dostepne oczywiscie z Air (anteny dachowej) jak tez z kablowki. Odbiornik bedzie obslugiwal dowolna kompanie kablowa po wlozeniu odpowiedniej karty odkodowujacej.

Parametry nowego TIVO3:
Tivo Series3 Specifcations
Replaces cable box

Six tuners - two analog, two digital QAM, and two ATSC (off-air)

Watch one SD or HD channel while recording another

Records any two SD or HD channels simultaneously, regardless of program source

All digital SD and HD channels recorded at 100% original quality

Supports SD and HDTV in MPEG-2, MPEG-4 (H.264), and VC-1 (WM9) formats

Trick-play features -- pause, rewind, rewind, fast forward, instant replay, and 30-second skip

Program guide seamlessly integrating analog cable channels, analog broadcast channels, digital broadcast channels (ATSC) in SD and HD from an antenna, and encrypted digital cable channels in SD and HD (with CableCard)

Features two CableCard slots - supports standard and multistream cards

Season Pass recordings, Wishlists

Home Media Features -- digital music player, digital photo viewer, multi-room viewing (encrypted MRV), and Tivo-to-Go

Online (Internet) scheduling

Supports external SATA drive expansion

Built-in capacity of 250Gb to 500Gb

Inputs: 1x cable, 1x antenna (internally split for dual tuners)

Outputs: HDMI, component, s-video, composite; digital audio (optical)

Networking: 1x 100Mbps ethernet, 2x USB 2.0

Price between $399 and $799 + monthly fee

Availability 2H 2006 -- expected in time for holiday season

Oki to teraz pytanie na które mo¿e nie którzy znaj± odpowied¼ a ja nie i ju¿

Czy np. jakbym sobie sprowadzi³ takiego TIVO przyda³by mi siê u nas do czego¶ czy by³by bezu¿yteczny? Tam siê da w³o¿yæ ka¿d± kartê? Modu³y dostêpu mo¿na u¿yæ?

Np tak± o ITI : > O ile siê j± wogle da wykorzystaæ na innym tunerze ni¿ orgina³ ADB.
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