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since I am nearly through with the game at my savegame, I believe it is time for a small review.

lNice questsllNice camps & NPCsllNice texturesllWeapon effectsllNew Worldsl

lSome minor bugs (see my thread here: http://www.forum.poziomkaz.pl/index.php?s=...ost&p=4921)llSome small grammer and vocabulary typosllSome dialogues (very few) are still in polish languagesllSome incorrect infocards (wrong damage, wrong protection stated there sometimes)llAnd a rather big issue: You very often don't know what to do in the quests or the quests are buggyllSwitches are sometimes really hard to find (just recalled my memory about the room with the paladin you have to find against and in the mine behind him)llSometimes you don't know what to do. For instance, after you visited the first time the temple of the sleeper (the thing with the orc camp, snow, the marked ulu-mulu and so on)l

I know, that this might seem that you wrote a really bad modification (there are much more contras than pros in my list), but infact I would give the modification a rating of 8.5/10

This is certainly one of the best, if not the best, Gothic I modification I have ever played! But please fix at least the last 3 contra points, they sometimes really suck.


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What bothered me also pretty much...you change your main guild..I believe this becomes especially when you are trying to play a mage. Very hard to learn any magic then (ofc you can join the primevals, but this just usually should become later an option)

No replies, no interest? tongue.gif
Well... I don't really know what should I say here... Mostly you're right

Some minor bugs
quests are buggy

Well... Gothic is buggy itself, so it's pretty hard to create things without bugs in it I hope it'll be corrected in new version (no, really, I think it will be made )

BTW - Isn't pointing pros and cons too less to be called a review (even minireview)?
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