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I have very good news for all people who are waiting for english version of Dark Mysteries: after a year of hard work of translating and correcting our job is nearly finished and we started beta testing! So now it's only a matter of time when mod will be released. And I can say it one more time: wait patiently, Dark Mysteries are really close!

So I'd like to thank to all people who were translating, correcting and helped us in many other ways, however with exact gratitudes we'll wait until release. Now a few person are testing mod and trying to find as much as possible mistakes and bugs to make a game better. After some time you can wait for more information and exact date of release:)
What is a Dark Mysteries?

This is a mod ?? Sorry but i don't read......

What is a Dark Mysteries?

This is a mod ?? Sorry but i don't read......

Dark Mysteries is polish Mroczne Tajemnice !!!
You are spamer !!

What's about dubbing, you gonna make it?
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • erfly06132.opx.pl

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