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NetShare 2.0.2 Beta

Zmiany od wersji 2.0.1

1. It takes less time to copy a file from TViX to PC and vice versa.

2. There is an improvement in playback of the ISO and IFO files over network with respect to stuttering problem. But it still has the dependency on network speed and streaming bitrate for playback which needs to be improved.

3. There is an improvement in the stability while browsing folders and files.

4. Based on the operating status, the status of the netshare tray icon is changed.

5. System's first IP address display is shown in the Settings form.




Zmiany od wersji NetShare 2.0.2 Beta::

1. The system's IP addresses are displayed along with their wired/wireless states in IP combo box in the Settings form. Data transfer will happen only through the IP address selected by the user. When the user selects “ALL” in the combo IP box of the configuration window, User is able to establish connection for both wired and wireless with valid IP.

2. Dynamic change of Netshare icon in the system tray and popup window when netshare sharing starts and netshare sharing stops.

3. Supports more stability than the previous version



  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • erfly06132.opx.pl

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