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Przeprowadzi³ serwis HomeLan Fed. W którym pytano g³ównie o nowe dzie³o BI Lionheart. S± tam jednak równie¿ dwa pytania dotycz±ce F3.

HomeLAN - It seems like there is always a new mention of fans wondering when Fallout 3 will start production. Why do you think this game series continues to generate much interest?

Feargus Urquhart - Ultimately, I think it is the feel of the world that really draws people to the Fallout games. It's a lot like how people are still drawn to certain movies like Blade Runner. The Fallout team did an extraordinary job of portraying a cohesive whole when it came to the world, the story, the inhabitants, and the game rules. Each item just reinforced the other and made people really feel like they were there.

HomeLAN - You recently announced that you want to get Fallout 3 under development at some point. Have you thought at all about what the general gameplay design will be like for the sequel?

Feargus Urquhart - That's a tough question to answer without having a horde of screaming people at my door asking for my head. However, I can say what I've been saying for a while, which is that Fallout 3 will still feel and play a lot like the previous Fallouts. It will need to be a more modern game though in relation to how the game plays and the graphics engine involved. What I mean by that is that we will be using a 3D engine and there will most likely be a real-time combat mode. I know there are people out there that feel this ruins Fallout, but I think they will be surprised as to how well it works once they play it.

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