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W tym temacie nie prowadzimy ¿adnych dyskusji. Do tego s± odpowiednie dzia³y.

Nowa <TUTAJ>


No i mamy pierwsze alternatywne fw dla naszego ipboxa9000hd Jak narazie bez obs³ugi emu ale od czego¶ trzeba zacz±æ Jest to modyfikacja ostatniego softu od dgstation (r6407). Lista zmian:

THIS is not a EMU update release..

Read below for details.

CubeRevo 0.6407uc
Unofficial Custom release

They Removed 6407, but application has not been crashing for me until now, so...

- Change from original 6407 firmware.
- /media mounts and waits for fsck of harddrive (sorry might be slow on some 1TB drives)
- Samba daemon starts correctly.
using windows you can access \\x.x.x.x\media (Harddrive) read/write
- sshd (dropbear) daemon enabled (stlinux compiled edition)
- Reorganized startup scripts, so they do not run within the box application
- its possible to stop "sbox" from starting.
- put a file called do_not_start_sbox
in /var
- reboot the box, and the application will not start and init stapi.
- httpd daemon enabled (not really used for now, but it works)
- http folder (/var/www)
- Changed /var/addon and /var/plug-in to /media/addon and /media/plug-in
if HHD is found.
- /data reference to /media (Kathrein compatible)
- more details in VFD display about startup of the box (especially when HDD is checked!)
- ciio.ko replaced , for compatibility (taken from 6274)

This is a "usb_kernel_root_db.img" version, sorry, db will be deleted.

Do Pobrania Tu: r6407 UC
Do pobrania nowa wersja


Mi³ego zasysania
No i mamy nowe FW od ABcomu/DGstation o numerku r6542:

Do Pobrania Tu: r6542

Czas potestowac co zmienili i dodali

ps: Mo¿na tak¿e pobraæ poprzez online poprzez boxa Pozdrawiam

Do Pobrania wersja r6543:

< Bugs Fixed > - Slovak, Czech, Polish and Russian menu language correction. - Aspect ratio on HDMI - Aspect ratio on Analog output - Channel recognization problem on some tp. - PANIC when HDD full. - Show channel info on FAV channel add. - Bad PIG position while channel change in EPG. - Bug fixed related with standby. - Schedule rec bug with seperated tuner. - Schedule [beeep]lication bug on EPG - Antenna setting bug with DVB-T tuner module - Polish EPG bad diacritic - Bad subtitle show - Audio doesn´t work on some HD channels < ADDED > - hdd check skip function - Recording TXT/SUBT. (subtitle have some sync problem when file play) - Recording start/end offset on schedule recording. - SMB/HTTPD added.(webinterface is not embedded) - Other stb can use tuner in standby mode - Show mute icon on banner if channel don't have audio - Enable all audio mode(L/R/MIX/STEREO) - blue search button in manual channel scan mode - subtitle and multifeed window menu killed with function button

Tutaj: r6543

ps: Ja jedynie co zauwa¿y³em wzglêdem r6542 to ¿e dodali moje nowe t³umaczenie na polski Pozdrawiam
Kolejna dzi¶ wersja.

< Bugs Fixed > - Slovak, Czech, Polish and Russian menu language correction. - Aspect ratio on HDMI - Aspect ratio on Analog output - Channel recognization problem on some tp. - PANIC when HDD full. - Show channel info on FAV channel add. - Bad PIG position while channel change in EPG. - Bug fixed related with standby. - Schedule rec bug with seperated tuner. - Schedule [beeep]lication bug on EPG - Antenna setting bug with DVB-T tuner module - Polish EPG bad diacritic - Bad subtitle show - Audio doesn´t work on some HD channels < ADDED > - hdd check skip function - Recording TXT/SUBT. (subtitle have some sync problem when file play) - Recording start/end offset on schedule recording. - SMB/HTTPD added.(webinterface is not embedded) - Other stb can use tuner in standby mode - Show mute icon on banner if channel don't have audio - Enable all audio mode(L/R/MIX/STEREO) - blue search button in manual channel scan mode - subtitle and multifeed window menu killed with function button


r6543uc (with emu support) dla Ipbox9000HD

Finally the firmware we waited for..

A hint from Tuxer made the mgcamd work fine in this release of 6543..

Thanks to him..

This image contains all that are needed, including libs..

keys are -NOT- part of this image..

Here are the actual changes from 6407 -> 6543 image.

- Change from original 6543 firmware.
- Problem with "Front_ioctl" crashes kernel sometimes..
- Made it possible to boot from NFS (corrected starting of network interface if already running)
- Below details also included in this release..
- Included all libraries needed for e__ support... (verified with MG____)
- Included a "kernel_root" edition, seems to work fine with previous 6407 release for me..
- /data changed to be hardcoded from sym link , and inside is the /data/emu a symlink and k... and s.... are links
to the /var/k... and /var/s.... (can it be more flexible)
- If /media/k...,/media/s... is found, image will link /var/k... and /var/s... to those folders at startup.
Better for safe keeping of files.
- when mgcamd stop decoding:
for those that do not know what app to restart, execute the 2 lines below from a telnet prompt.

-sh-3.00# killall mgcamd.ip9000hd
-sh-3.00# /data/mgcamd.ip9000hd

And it works again.

You will need to prepare the /var/k... folder with a telnet login, or the image will crash..

Thanks must go to "Tuxer" , as he guided me in the right direction...

I will look into a serial support function from Kathrein images the next hours, so another update might appear with serial port support, for newcs etc... (that is now a requirement!)

cr6543uc Ipbox9000HD v2

Minor update,

Got newcs working with external cardreader(phoenix) .

- Updated the restart script of mgcamd, so at channel change, it works much better and 90% stable.
its not bullet proof, but works more stable with most channels, when EMM is disabled.
- Support for external card reader (phoenix) through a USBSerial (pl2303 device).
- newcs starts up if a file in /var/start_newcs is found.
- can use config in /var/k.../newcs.xml or /var/tuxbox/config/newcs.xml
- another front_ioctl fix.. old driver from 6407 is used now.
- this addon will not update kernel or delete your existing configuration.
- Camd3 was tested and found very unstable (slowing down, and taking up 100% cpu), so i did not include anything for this. (camd 3.900 beta1 tested)

I do not know if you can put this onto an older firmware(6407 or lower)
So put it on top of 6543uc, then you are sure.


- Image bazowane na r6543
- Zmiany zwiazane z emu
- Mo±na u¿ywaæ binarki sh4 mgcamd, evocamd z kathrein - Nie trzeba niæ przerabiaæ! (camd3 jeszcze nie dzia³a)!
- /var/bin/mgcamd ( zainstalowany)
- ¶cie¿ki /var/bin /var/keys /var/scce /var/lib /var/script
- Skrypt startuj±cy emu jest w /var/script/camd.sh (Mo¿na zmieniæ"EMU=mgcamd" na "EMU=evocamd" wystarczy umie¶ciæ "evocamd" w /var/bin i zrestartowaæ boxa, lub poprzez "camd start|stop|reset")
- Brak kluczy w ¶rodku!

Podziêkowania dla kolegi @Sandali (aka Clark Kent) za nowo stworzon± bibliotekê która pozwala u¿ywaæ niespatchowane emu z ufs-910.

SifTeam beta1 Ipbox9000 HD

First experimental firmware! Thanks ngc1927
1) Added PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, execution / var / etc / rcS.d / S * .. / etc / profile
2) the initiation of Impedito smb and nmbd (samba) in / etc / init.d / sbox
3) Created / var / etc / rcS.d-to put their programs (full path)
4) Adding webpage http://IP_DECODER
(User = root password = sifteam)
5) Added copying / var_init in / var
6) Started the script that manages many options telnet
(Telnet by typing: sifteam)
7) Added different mount-point links and various
Mount usb / mnt / usb
9) You can 'manage web cam from, execute scripts


To start programs personal valid for all images SifTeam:
Add the command wanted to / var/etc/rcS.d/S99user_start.sh basically
File (there are already 'several examples ready to use, simply
Decommentarli removing the symbol #)
Use an editor unix otherwise the file then is not recognized by the firmware and are not run applications
Correctly. (Do not use the editor flashfxp)

If you want to install only usb_kernel_root.img - not to be missed
Their settings, you must copy var.tar.gz in / tmp
By telnet:
Cd / tmp /
Tar-zxvf var.tar.gz-C / var /

Otherwise whole paccone usb_kernel_root_db.img that already includes his internto the mgcamd complete package.

Particular thanks go to sandals for his patience, and new fix! The cam that now operate

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam-9000HD beta1
cr6543uc_root_v2 update

Kolejna wersja fw do Ipboxa9000HD od kolegi pen1010b

What's new:

Includes the Sandali library fix for channel switching, and also auto restart script, so mgcamd do not need a manual startup by telnet.
This one is faster!

- Includes Sandali LD_PRELOAD library for faster channel switching.
- Enables users with "err 79" to be able to boot into a clean startup, and get the option
to copy old db.dat back to the box.


Co nowego:

Fw zawiera poprawkê biblioteki zrobion± przez @Sandali która eliminuje b³±d dekodowania podczas prze³±czania na kodowanych kana³ach i auto restartowania emu (nie trzeba ju¿ manualnie z telnetu tego robiæ) Wersja ta jest szybsza !

- Zawiera bibliotekê LD_PRELOAD (od @Sandali) dla szybszego prze³±czania kana³ow...
- Umo¿liwia u¿ytkownikom z "err 79" mo¿liwo¶æ czystego bootowania aby móc skopiowac stary plik db.dat spowrotem do tunera

kolejna wersja do ipboxa 9000hd cr6543uc_root_v3

I've updated my version, see below for changes..

- New webif included.. lots of functions to control box/cam/status
- weblogin: user: root password: relook
- custom scripts needs to be in /var/script/web_customX.sh where X = 1 or 2 or 3 .
- options are
cam stop/start/change/info ..
system enable/disable ssh/telnet/samba/reboot/firmware upgrade.
ip9000 fan on/off, led time on/off , set led brightness
- Includes patched edition of mgcamd, so its selectable to use patched or original edition(Sandali lib).
- included new libcrypto again.
- reverted a few variables pointing from /media to /var
- Added "powerled" blink when cam is restarting automatically. So you can see how often it happens.

AB IPBox 9000HD EMU supported - 6569

- mgcamd is inside
- HDD is formatted to Ext3, existing information on HDD erased.
- mgcamd runs with starting software
- No keys inside, sent them into var/keys/



- mgcamd w ¶rodku fw (specjalna wersja napisana pod ipboxa9000HD)
- Dysk twardy jest formatowany do ext3 (jak np. w dreamboxach) wiêc wszystko co mamy na hd bêdzie wymazane
- mgcamd startuje gdy w³±czamy boxa
- Brak kluczy w ¶rodku (nalezy je samemu dograæ do var/keys/
- fw pracuje bardzo dobrze i stabilnie, emu nie sypie juz ¿adnymi b³êdami stapi
- zmiana kana³ow SD/HD na tym fw jest bardzo szybka
- nie ma ju¿ problemu z brakiem audio
- no i fw jest na nieoficjalnym j±drze r6569

cr6543uc_root_v4 update (mgcamd 1.30)

Tylko ma³e zmiany ale g³ówna jest aktualizacja mgcamd emu do wersji v1.30 (wersja dla ipbox9000hd)

- Bazowane na ostatniej "rudbox edycji" która jest wydaniem r6542 (fw Dgstation) z wieloma usprawnieniami i dodatkami
- dodano nowego mgcamd v1.30 (wersja dla ipbox9000hd)
- to fw zawiera aktualizacjê oprogramowania DVB-S2 która Dgstation wyda³o z SVN6542.
- zawiera ca³y webif + aktualizacje z wersji root_v3 update

Uwaga: fw zawiera aktualizacjê DVB-S2 od Dgstation!
Prawdopodobnie po pierwszym uruchomieniu bêdziecie mieæ czarny obraz, wystarczy ponownie zrestartowac boxa i bêdzie OK.

Thx @pen1010b

pojawi³ siê nowy soft do IPBOXA9000 HD IPBox9000HD_Rudbox_6569-2_3
nowy soft
- fixed HDD bug issue.
- Support for mgcamd 1.29 (for seca2 issues)
- crond support
- sftp support

Nowy soft dla IPBox 9000

-Based on SVN r6696
-Cardreader drivers included (thanks to Sandali, you rock!)
-WebIf Beta2 (thanks to aaf)
-Webif Login root / ipbox
-Usb automount added
-Mgcamd and Evocamd included
-some script fixes


-Based on SVN r6696
-Cardreader drivers included (thanks to Sandali, you rock!)
-WebIf Beta2 (thanks to aaf)
-Webif Login root / ipbox
-Usb automount added
-Mgcamd and Evocamd included
-some script fixes
-other bla bla


- Bazowane na SVN r6696
- Dodano sterowniki czytników (Dziêki @Sandali)
- Webif Beta2 (dziêki aaf)
- Webif (uzytkownik:root , has³o:ipbox)
- Dodano montowanie Usb
- Dodano Mgcamd i Evocamd emu
- poprawka kilku skryptów
- inne bla bla bla...[/b]

Wygl±d Webif:

SifTeam-0.02.6-r6696 Ipbox 9000HD


-Based on SVN r6696
-Cardreader drivers included (thanks to Sandali)
-Mgcamd - Evocam - Newcs+mgcamd included Downloadable from WebIf
-some script fixes
-WebIf (user:root password:sifteam)
-Remote control on web if added
-Usb move var

Thanks so much to sandali and weazle (powerboard)



- Bazowane na SVN r6696
- Dodano sterowniki czytników (Dziêki @Sandali)
- Dodano mo¿liwosc pobrania z Webif emu Mgcamd, Evocamd, Newcs+mgcamd
- poprawka kilku skryptów
- Webif (u¿ytkownik:root, has³o:sifteam)
- Dodano pilota w webif
- Mo¿liwosc przeniesienia zawarto¶ci /Var do pamiêci Usb

Do Pobrania Tu: SifTeam-0.02.6-r6696
6697 do pobrania

* FIXED - panic on thrid channel with 2 recording - polish epg - hangup(for 5 ~ seconds)while channel change randomly - panic related with timer callback function.(need test) - panic with trick playback - can't play pip while file play. - restart timeshift if change to recording channel. - wrong channel name if channel name is too long. - wrong cursor position on fileplay - decoding problem on some channel(Malloc.TV, Top Girl Sex TV...). temporary solution - hangup after change tv resolution - pig check bug related with AR * IMPROVED/ADDED - bookmark function on trick play - add Hotbird 13.0E 11275V DVB-S2 tp(need database update) - daylight saving - booting stb earlier(offset+2 min) if schedule was reserved. - av setting menu - some webinterface api - update channel list when rescan channel - faster DVB-S2 tuner F/W loading - add/modify tp information (need db update) - dolby default out function - subtitle off - HDD next start option - record Start/Stop of

No i ma³e t³umaczenie do softu:

- Panic na trzecim kanale podczas nagrywania dwóch
- polskie EPG
- zwieszkê (na 5sec) gdy kana³y sa prze³±czane bardzo szybko
- Panic zwi±zany z funkcj± "callback" timera
- Panic podczas playbacku
- nie mo¿na odtwarzaæ pliku podczas PiP
- restart opcji Timeshift jesli zmienimy na nagrywany kana³
- z³a nazwa kana³u gdy nazwa jest za d³uga
- z³a pozycja kursora przy odtwarzaniu pliku
- problem z dekodowaniem na kilku kana³ach (Malloc.TV, Top Girl Sex TV...). Tymczasowe rozwiazanie
- zwis tunera po zmianie rozdzielczo¶ci tv
- b³±d kontroli pig zwiazany z AR

- funkcja dodania/zaznaczenia w odtwarzaniu
- dodano transponder 11275V DVB-S2 na HB13E (potrzebna aktualzacja bazy danych)
- zapisywanie dnia
- wcze¶niejsze bootowanie tunera (offset 2min) je¶li planowanie nagrania zosta³o zarezerwowane
- menu ustawieñ av
- webinterfejs api
- aktualizacja listy kana³ow gdy przeskanujemy kana³
- szybsze ³adowanie oprogramowania tunera DVB-s2
- dodano/zmodyfikowano informacje o transponderze (trzeba zaktualizowaæ plik db)
- domysle wyj¶cie dolby
- wy³±czanie napisów
- Ofcja kolejnego startu HDD
- dodano opcje dodania Ofsetu przy zatrzymaniu/rozpoczeciu nagrywania


SifTeam-0.02.6-r6697 Ipbox 9000HD


-Based on NEW SVN r6697
-Cardreader drivers included (thanks to Sandali)
-Mgcamd - Evocam - Newcs+mgcamd included Downloadable from WebIf
-some script fixes
-WebIf (user:root password:sifteam)
-Remote control on web if added
-Usb move var

Thanks so much to sandali and weazle (powerboard)



- Bazowane na SVN r6697
- Dodano sterowniki czytników (Dziêki @Sandali)
- Dodano mo¿liwosc pobrania z Webif emu Mgcamd, Evocamd, Newcs+mgcamd
- poprawka kilku skryptów
- Webif (u¿ytkownik:root, has³o:sifteam)
- Dodano pilota w webif
- Mo¿liwosc przeniesienia zawarto¶ci /Var do pamiêci Usb[/b]

Do Pobrania Tu: SifTeam-0.02.6-r6697
Nowy soft Powerboard_mod_V1.2

-Based on SVN r6697
-Cardreader drivers included (thanks to Sandali, you rock!)
-WebIf Beta2 (thanks to aaf)
-WebIf Login: root / ipbox
-Usb automount added
-Mgcamd and Evocamd included
-some script fixes
-other bla bla

Nowy soft od pen1010b nlb6697uc_v1

- Based on official Firmware update
- Including Sandali's first release of the cardreader support (Thank you for this!)
- Tested with newcs (small test only.. cannot confirm if stable)
- Does NOT work with mpcs (external cardreader still do)
- Changes to mgcamd/evocamd timing startup, to support the cardreader, or image would crash.
- Still using EXT3 filesystem, so it will only format HDD if you got old hdd setup.
- more webif functions
- webif login: root/relook

- fixed HDD bug issue.
- Support for mgcamd 1.29 (for seca2 issues)
- crond support
- sftp support

Sifteam v0.03 r6697

*From 0.03:
Change start script
Remove IP inserted
Update WebIf

*Od wersji 0.03 zmieniono/dodano:
- Zmieniono skrypt startowy
- Usuniêto adres IP
- Zaktualizowano WebIf

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.03 r6697
Sifteam v0.03.1 r6697

*From 0.03.1:
Update WebIf , Now is possible upgrade WebIf without install all

Zaktualizowano Webif. Teraz jest mo¿liwo¶æ aktualizacji webif bez instalacji wszystkiego

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.03.1 r6697
Nie doczekali¶my siê dzi¶ oficjala, ale ale za to mamy nowy soft od pen1010b nlb6697uc_v2

- full mgcamd/newcs configuration now included at clean install. (no need for googling newcs or mgcamd help)
- new webif graphics and functions..
- led brightness will be set to last default value at reboot

Macie tu z troche lepszych linków bez rejetracji (dwie wersje aktualka i pe³ne):


A little update,

- full mgcamd/newcs configuration now included at clean install. (no need for googling newcs or mgcamd help)
- new webif graphics and functions..
- led brightness will be set to last default value at reboot

A few other internal changes, do not remember all.

I have added both a "clean install" image,
and a update of root image for existing 6697 image owners.

ecm.info issue is a mgcamd problem and cannot be fixed without mgcamd update

Uruchomienie czytników w 9000HD

Wiele osób ma nadal problem z odpaleniem czytników na sofcie kolegi pen1010b (czy innym sofcie) zapodaje now± paczkê z configami.

£±czymy sie po ftp z naszym tunerem np. poprzez Total Commander, rozpakowujemy gdzie¶ na pc mój plik Czytniki OK.zip , teraz przenosimy z mojej paczki ca³± zawarto¶æ katalogu var/keys ( s± to 3 pliki : mg_cfg , newcamd.list, priority.list) do naszego tunera do var/keys ( po przeniesieniu mo¿emy nadac im atrybuty 755) teraz z mojej paczki w katalogu var mamy plik start_newcs , przenosimy go do naszego tunera do /var i dajemy atrybut 755 (dla tych co nie wiedza jak nadaje siê atrybuty w Total Commanderze , zaznaczamy nasz plik prawym przyciskiem (za¶wieci siê na czerwono) lub klikamy raz lewym na naszym pliku w którym chcemy zmieniæ atrybut, teraz klikamy do góry na Pliki, zmieñ atrybuty , i w polu wpisujemy 755, OK i juz) na koñcu z mojej paczki przenosimy ca³y katalog (folder) tuxbox wraz z jego zawarto¶ci± do naszego tunera do /var (nadajemy tak¿e atrybut 755 plikowi newcs.xml) Teraz pozostaje nam juz tylko w³ozyæ kartê chipem do do³u do dolnego lub górnego czytnika, restart tunera (przyciskiem z ty³u) po zbootowaniu mamy juz dzia³aj±ca kartê cyfry.

Do var/keys doda³em ma³y plik priotity.list , doda³em w nim wpis ¿e emu ma wybieraæ wpierw caid cyfry + (dziêki temu prze³±czanie po kana³ach cyfry jest troszkê szybsze) Oczywi¶cie moja paczka nie zawiera plików kluczy. Je sobie sami musicie dodac je¶li chcecie (plik Softcam.key i Autorool.key)

W sofcie grupy Sifteam nie ma emu, je musicie sobie sami pobrac poprzez webif (mgcamd+newcs) Po zainstalowaniu postêpowaæ jw.

Paczka do pobrania tu: Czytniki OK
Nowy soft 6806


- some channel recognization problem. TV channel goes to Radio channel.
- TP [beeep]lication problem on network search
- same PMT pid channel problem.
- epg display problem on (Astra 19.2E 11895V/12129V/12012V). Need DB update.
- modify Thor 0.8W tp information (11341, 11421 and 11434). Need DB update.
- EPG display time bug with daylight saving.
- channel sorting problem with DVB-T/C.



- some channel recognization problem. TV channel goes to Radio channel.
- TP [beeep]lication problem on network search
- same PMT pid channel problem.
- epg display problem on (Astra 19.2E 11895V/12129V/12012V). Need DB update.
- modify Thor 0.8W tp information (11341, 11421 and 11434). Need DB update.
- EPG display time bug with daylight saving.
- channel sorting problem with DVB-T/C.


- problem z rozpoznawaniem niektórych kana³ow. Kana³y TV by³y jako radiowe
- problem z [beeep]likacj± TP w szukaniu sieciowym
- problem z PMT pid
- wy¶wietlanie EPG na (Astrze 19.2E 11895V/12129V/12012V) Potrzebna aktualizacja DB
- zmodyfikowano info o TP na thorze 0.8W (11341, 11421 and 11434) Potrzebna aktualizacja DB
- Bug w wy¶wietlaniu czasu w EPG
- problem z sortowaniem kana³ow z g³owicy DVB-T/C

- Nic

Pozdrawiam zbigzbig20

-Based on SVN r6806
-Cardreader drivers included (thanks to Sandali, you rock!)
-WebIf Beta2 (thanks to aaf)
-Webif Login root / ipbox
-Usb automount added
-Mgcamd and Evocamd included
-some script fixes
-other bla bla

NO KEYS! Install keys for IP-9000

- bazowany na nowym svn r6806
- dodano sterowniki do czytników (thx @Sandali)
- webif beta2 (thx @AAF)
- webif login: root , has³o: ipbox
- dodano automontowanie usb
- dodano mgcamd i evocamd
- poprawka dla kilku skryptów
- inne blablabla...

FW nie zawiera kluczy !

Sifteam v0.03.1 r6806

*From 0.03.1:
Update SVN to r6806
Update WebIf , Now is possible upgrade WebIf without install all

Zaktualizowano do najnowszego SVN r6806 ,
Zaktualizowano Webif. Teraz jest mo¿liwo¶æ aktualizacji webif bez instalacji wszystkiego

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.03.1 r6806
9000HD 12x Sat Settings Update

Jest to pouk³adana pakietami lista kana³ów dla Ipbox 9000HD od pozycji Astra 28.2E do Atlantic Bird 8W.

Ma³a Aktualizacja:
- doda³em nowe kana³y (radiowe i tv) do kilku pakietów (generalnie cyfra + i premiere) thx @leber
- doda³em nowe pakiety na pozycji 9E/10E (HD Platform i TVTEL)
+ kilka innych kosmetycznych zmian...

Do Pobrania Tu: 9000HD 12x Sat Settings Update
Sifteam v0.03.3 r6806

*From 0.03.3:
Update WebIf
Change skin allowed
Change skin ONLY if use
/var to USB
Otherwise when use
"NET upgrade"
Remember to delete
/var/skin directory


*Od wersji 0.03.3:
- Zaktualizowano Webif
- Dodano mo¿liwo¶æ zmiany skina
- Mo¿na zmienic skin je¶li masz przeniesiona pamiêæ z /var do USB
w przeciwnym wypadku gdy uzyjesz Aktualizacji przez net usuñ katalog
/skin w /var

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.03.3 r6806
- Updated image firmware to use latest SVN 6806 from AbCom
- Ignore existing harddrive filesystem, both ext2 and ext3 are accepted
- newcs configuration files for upper/lower/both slot are now possible to choose
- Note, if you changed default config from clean image, do not
use this option or existing configuration will be overwritten.
- all check files are now located in a seperate folder.
- samba / telnet / ssh .... are all disabled at default now, each option must be
enabled in Webif.
- ftp is kept enabled, as this is a wellknown option to transfer configurations between
pc and box.
- httpd.conf updated to include (C class 172 network.
- Firmware update now also from /media folder.
- all applications will close during upgrade .
- English/German/Danish webif.
napewno zbigzbig to przetlumaczy

- Updated image firmware to use latest SVN 6806 from AbCom
- Ignore existing harddrive filesystem, both ext2 and ext3 are accepted
- newcs configuration files for upper/lower/both slot are now possible to choose
- Note, if you changed default config from clean image, do not
use this option or existing configuration will be overwritten.
- all check files are now located in a seperate folder.
- samba / telnet / ssh .... are all disabled at default now, each option must be
enabled in Webif.
- ftp is kept enabled, as this is a wellknown option to transfer configurations between
pc and box.
- httpd.conf updated to include (C class 172 network.
- Firmware update now also from /media folder.
- all applications will close during upgrade .
- English/German/Danish webif.


- Zaktualizowano svn do najnowszego r6806
- Fw ignoruje obecny system plików na hdd (oba ex2 i ext3 s± akceptowane)
- dodano mo¿liwo¶æ wyboru configu dla górnego czy dolnego czytnika
- Je¶li zmieni³es domyslny config z czystego fw nie uzywaj tej opcji (wy¿ej) w przeciwnym wypadku twoja obecna konfiguracje zostanie nadpisana
- wszystkie pliki sprawdzaj±ce s± ulokowane w osobnym folderze
- samba /telnet/ ssh... s± domyslnie wy³±czone, ka¿da opcjê mo¿na sobie samemu w³±czyæ/ wy³±czyæ w Webif
- ftp jest w³±czone aby móc przes³±æ do tunera configi...
- zaktualizowano plik httpd.conf (dodano (C class 172 network)
- aktualizacje fw mo¿na teraz wykonac z katalogu /media
- wszystkie aplikacje bêda zamkniête podczas aktualizacji
- Angielski/Niemiecki/Duñski Webif

No i nowy soft 6844

Kilka wa¿nych zmian. Dziêki czujno¶ci zbigzbig20 biorê siê za testowanie.

* FIXED - tp information reset bug in manual search. - shedule recording bug with loopthrough - epg problem on Astra 19.2E 11876

* IMPROVED/ADDED - photo album. upload jpeg file to /media/photo(need hdd) - run user script(external s/w) with color key on live screen (red, green, yellow key). make script file in /var/bin/red.sh or /var/bin/green.sh or /var/bin/yellow.sh with chmod 755)

<LINK> Wymaga rejestracji

lub <tu> bez rejstracji


- Updated image firmware to use latest SVN 6844 from AbCom
- color key on live screen support
- red = change led display brightness
- green = Stop emu cam
- yellow = restart cam
- all previous updates included
- telnet ON default now.

- Zaktualizowano image do nowego oficjala r6844 od Abcom
- obs³uga kolorowych przycisków
- czerwony = zmiana jasno¶ci wyswietlacza
- zielony = zatrzymanie emu
- ¿ó³ty = restart emu
- wszystkie poprzednie zmiany tak¿e dodane
- domyslnie w³±czony Telnet

IP-Box9000 SVN r6844 Powerboard mod V1.4

-Wersja oparta o SVN r6844
-Wmontowany czytnik
-WebIf Beta2
-Webif Login root / ipbox
-Root-Login: root / relook
-Dodano automatyczne montowanie USB
-zawiera Mgcamd
-zawiera Evocamd
-zawiera NewCS
-poprawiono kilka skryptów
-niewielkie zmiany w zglêdem v. 1.3

- wsparcie dla kolorowych przycisków
- czerwony = zmiana jasno¶ci wy¶wietlacza
- zielony= Stop emu cam
- ¿ó³ty= restart cam
- zawiera wcze¶niejsze zmiany
- telnet w³±czony domy¶lnie


Latest update with more news.

- network update now possible from nlb support ftp
- Change red/green/yellow button function assignment in Webif.
- Skin change now possible in Webif.
- Added skin delivered by @Crash (Thanks goes to him!)
- Preliminary OSD screen information (still beta)



- aktualizacja poprzez sieæ teraz dpstêpna po ftp
- Mo¿na definiwaæ kolorowe przyciski w Webif
- mo¿na zmieniac skina w webif
- dodano nowego skina zrobionego przez kolegê @Crash
- informacje na osd (wci±¿ beta)

Nowe IMAGE gupy SifTeam


*From 0.04.1:
Added more directory
for OpenSSH, OpenVPN

Do pobrania TUTAJ

nlb6844v3 with usb multiboot

Extract of readme
- USB image boot now possible

Store image on usb, and
get more space in /var and full read/write in all fs.
NOTE: If USB boot is used on boxes without HDD and
image is not nlb, you can destroy your USB boot.
In USB boot mode, you can access NLB Webif on PORT 81 .
So you can change to different image.
In USB Boot, you can also download nlb network updates
without flashing box, including DGStation SVN updates.
- Fixed HDD/USB detection, DGStation application mounted
usb key as "HDD", if not HDD was found and used it for
timeshift/recording. not good with recording or USB boot setup.
- RED button now assigned default to ECM info.
- Improved ECM info. Works with OnScreenDisplay
If not shown correctly the first time, please press key a few
times to update.
- newcs 1.6 BETA included and replaced old 1.5
- support for /var/bin/mgcamd & /var/bin/newcs
if you wish to use old newcs, just put it in /var/bin .
- New skins available from @Crash, exclusive for nlb image.
Thanks goes to @Crash for the contribution.
nlb_Blue is included, and default.
nlb_Grey is available as network update.

nlb6844uc_v3 (Aktualizacja)


- Poprawiono nieprawid³owe wykrywanie klucza usb podczas startu (powodowa³o format i nie dzia³a³o czasami)
- Poprawiono nieprawid³owe wykrywanie skina (powodowa³o tylko wykrywanie skina w wersji niebiekiej nlb_blue)


*From 0.05:
Added screen info
Start/Stop Cam - Ecm Info
Added new script:
red.sh = start/stop Cam
green.sh = show ecm.info
yellow.sh = restart cam

*From 0.05:
Added screen info
Start/Stop Cam - Ecm Info
Added new script:
red.sh = start/stop Cam
green.sh = show ecm.info
yellow.sh = restart cam

*From 0.06:
Added hdd options:
(Fs type, no format ecc..)
**ATTENTION: now default is ext3
at boot format HDD if is ext2 **
Upgrade webif

Do pobrania : TUTAJ

Do pobrania TUTAJ
Nowy oficjal r7043.zip


- premiere epg start time and panic problem.
- epg encoding probelm on ASTRA 19.2E 12246
- aspect ratio change problem starting PIP


- do not reset local time setting when download new s/w and factory reset.
- plugin support. Unzip plugin file to /var/plug-in
- hdd format function with boot up key.(POWER + DOWN). Needs new boot.
- epg search function

Nowy nlb7043

- Updated with SVN7043
- Included mp3 player plugin
put .mp3 music on /media folder (only those with HDD can use it)
Plugin IS BETA.. So .img files or other strange files on /media cause mp3 player to crash box
- Code updates

Wczoraj pojawi³ siê nowy soft od SifTeam tym razem oznaczony numerkiem 0.08-r7043

Upgraded WebIf (remove any options)
Added Sif_Install Plugin
Added Sif_Remove Plugin
Added Sif_Setcam Plugin
red.sh Star/Stop Default Cam
green.sh show ecm_info
yellow.sh Restart Default Cam


Nowa wersja bootloadera 1.3 klik
Nowy soft od SifTeam-0.09-r7043



*From 0.09:
Change management skin.
Plugins report info.
Added Sif_Setskin Plugin.
BUG Fix, ..and add new?
red.sh Star/Stop Cam.
green.sh show ecm_info.
yellow.sh Restart Cam.

Nowy soft AB_9000HD_110608_r7219_usb_update
First official AB Image release for AB_IPBox_9000HD


We recommend to use uboot 1.3.1 for using of all functions


- Freeze after Timer recording setup from EPG list
- Freeze after detailed info in EPG list
- Doesn´t go to standby mode if in timer Power control is set up Standby

- support for USB 2.0 external HDD. You need uboot 1.3.1.
(in same time supported only one HDD, if you can use external HDD, unplug internal HDD !)
- new webinterface
- addon support, installation by webinterface
- new menu skin, possibility for change from 3 skins

Login/password : root/ipbox


Update AB_9000HD_120608_r7219_usb_all_noboot.zip

FIXED - HDD format problem, now supported ext.2 and ext3 filesystem too

Do pobrania www.download.abcom.sk

Komentarze tutaj: http://hdtvpolska.com/index.php?showtopic=...&start=1125

More plugins change
More Options added
No password for root
..change yourself with "passwd"
..command from telnet
No password for webif
..add yourself in file


Wa¿na uwaga dla osób, które maj± ju¿ wgrane image r7219 Przed wgraniem tego image nale¿y najpierw wgraæ oficjala r7043 !! bo inaczej na wy¶wietlaczu bêdziecie mieli ci±gle napis BOOTING. thx Crash


W zwi±zku z tym,¿e razem z kol.zbigzbig20 umie¶cili¶my ten sam link i praktycznie taki sam opis do ostatniego softu, za jego zgod± usun±³em jego post.Mój by³ napisany trochê szybciej.
Nowy soft, jeszcze nie oficjalnie r7473


Po wgraniu listy proszê przeskanowaæ satki.

Nowy soft od ABcomu AB_9000HD_r7473_260608_usb_all_noboot.zip


- usb automount function.(9000HD only)
- Turkish translation.
- DB updated to R7327. Database will be updated automatically.
- sorting function in PIP sub-channel list
- recording file format was changed.(will be applied from new REC. but old format will be played too)
- using HDD if download large s/w image(for example usb_all_noboot.img).
Need special server configuration.
- switch to live when end of file playback
- improve webinterface function


- modify tp information. Hotbird 11278 (need DB update)
- modify many tp information in Turky Sat (need DB update)
- Fixed ORF1HD freeze
- Premiere EPG : show subfeed epg in mainfeed list epg. epg [beeep]lication problem.
- CAM work on backgroud recording.
- panic if enter wrong format in IP address.
- remove NTSC mode in AV setting.
- EPG related panic on some channel
- support 12h time mode in EPG
- random panic when play recorded file.
- improve performance on open FAV menu
- clear video plan when channel change.

wymaga rejstracji


Tym razem nowy soft od DgStation r7473

Zmiany takie same jak powy¿ej, jednak to jest inny soft !!!!!!!!!!!


- usb automount function.(9000HD only)
- Turkish translation.
- DB updated to R7327. Database will be updated automatically.
- sorting function in PIP sub-channel list
- recording file format was changed.(will be applied from new REC. but old format will be played too)
- using HDD if download large s/w image(for example usb_all_noboot.img).
Need special server configuration.
- switch to live when end of file playback
- improve webinterface function


- modify tp information. Hotbird 11278 (need DB update)
- modify many tp information in Turky Sat (need DB update)
- Premiere EPG : show subfeed epg in mainfeed list epg. epg [beeep]lication problem.
- CAM work on backgroud recording.
- panic if enter wrong format in IP address.
- remove NTSC mode in AV setting.
- EPG related panic on some channel
- support 12h time mode in EPG
- random panic when play recorded file.
- improve performance on open FAV menu
- clear video plan when channel change.


Proszê nie próbowaæ instalowaæ addon-ów z softu ABcomu. To dodatki do zupe³nie innego softu !!!

SifTeam-0.1 r7473 Ip9000HD

Od wersji 0.1 :

- Zaktualizowano SVN do wersji r7473
- Dodano wiêcej zmian w pluginach
- Dodano wiêcej opcji
- Usuniêto has³o dla root
* has³o mo¿a zmieniæ na jakie siê chce,
wystarczy w telnecie po zalogowaniu siê wpisaæ :
passwd i dwa razy podac nowe has³o
- Usuniêto has³o dla Webif
* has³o mo¿na dodac samemu w :

Nowy soft nlb7473

- Updated with SVN7473
- Code updates
- Photo usb/hdd fix
- mgcamd 1.3d / newcs 1.60beta included (autostart!)
remember to upload configs/files into /var/keys

login: root
password: relook


Added jpeg support for background
Added jpeg to base plugin
Add option for umount usb (if mounted from automount)


- Dodano obs³ugê grafik jpeg dla grafik
- Dodano jpeg dla bazowego plugina
- Dodano opcjê do odmontowania usb (je¶li zamontowany automatycznie)

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.1.1 r7473

Poprawiono obs³ugê czytników


AB Image r7712 9000HD

Lista zmian:

- nowy mp3 player - wci¶nij przycisk "music" aby wystartowaæ.
Pliki mp3 kopiujemy do /media/mp3
- dodano obs³ugê systemu fat32 dla zewnêtrznego urz±dzenia usb
- nowe opcje dla trybu edycji zdjêc i plików muzycznych
- mo¿na kopiowaæ pliki z zewnêtrznego urz±dzenia usb
- nowe menu "kontrola zasilania" w ustawieniach
teraz mo¿na ustawiæ co ma byæ wykonywane po wci¶niêciu przycisku Power (Standby albo wy³±cz)
- Timer dzia³± tak¿e w trybie Wy³±czenia (deep standby)
- teraz nagrywa wszystkie ¶ciezki audio
- zwiêkszono prêdko¶æ kontroli
- naprawiono Panic i problemy z zamra¿aniem ekranu w niektórych sytuacjach
- naprawiono zamra¿anie ekranu w trybie mp3

Ftp Login/has³o: root/ipbox

Do Pobrania tu: r7712 AB Image

Wymagana rejestracja do pobrania softu na ich Serwerze!
Nowy NLB oparty na r7712


- Updated with SVN7712
- bootup included - no need to install original
DGS SVN to switch to NLB image boot.
- Code updates
- mgcamd 1.3d / newcs 1.60beta included (autostart!)
remember to upload configs/files into /var/keys

Note: MP3 music files goes into /media/mp3

user i pass: 9000

Sifteam v0.1.2 r7712

*From 0.1.2:
From default use DGS webif
For use old webif ..connect to:
New MP3 player use dir named "mp3"
Please change /hdd/MP3 to /hdd/mp3
Removed from addons-online:
Skin @Crash
Plugin Mp3-player


Od wersji 0.1.2 zmieniono/dodano:

- od teraz domy¶lnym jest Webif DGS, aby uzywac starego webif (sifteamu)
nale¿y po³±czyæ siê poprzez: http://DECODER_IP/sifteam.html
- nowy mp3 player (uzywa katalogu /mp3 w media) Proszê zminiæ hdd/MP3 na hdd/mp3
- usuniêto z dodatków online :
*skiny Crasha
*plugin mp3

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.1.2 r7712
Sifteam v0.1.3 r7712

*From 0.1.3:
Modifyed Standby Hard Disk System
From default is 0
For change this value, ..create file:
And add your personel value
Possible value is 12*M (M=minutes)


- zmodyfikowano system pracy dysku w standby.
Domy¶lnie jest ustawiony na 0.
Aby to zminiæ stwórz plik /var/etc/SifTeam/conf/time_sleep_hd
i dodaj swoja w³asn± warto¶æ.
Mo¿liwe warto¶ci to 12*M (M=minuty)

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.1.3 r7712
Abcom Image r7932 dla 9000HD

AB IPBox 9000HD image Bazowane na sofcie DGS r7932
* R7932 *
- nagrywanie z Epg
- odtwarzacz mp3 (nie odgrywa³ nastêpnego pliku)
- wznowienie odtwarzania
- ustawienia czasu
- nie botowa³ bez pod³±czenie po lan
- Polskie i Ruskie t³umaczenie (aktualizacja)

* Nie naprawiono
- soft nie obs³uguje narazie hdd po usb (po pod³±czeniue hdd pod usb po jakim¶ czasie tuner staje)

* Dodano / Ulepszono
- automontowanie urzadzenia USB
- UK/Irlandzka baza providerów dla kablówki
- startowanie pluginu po "ch³odnym" wy³±czeniu
- nowa podstawowa lista kana³ow dla Astry 19.2E, Astry 23.5E i HB 13E (z kana³±mi HD zThora 0.8W)
- teraz urz±dzenie usb obs³uguje system plików Fat32
- funkcja edycji dla zdjêæ i plików mp3 (Mo¿na skopiowac pliki z Usb na HDD i odwrotnie)

Rekomendowane wgranie Uboota 1.3.1 (je¶li kto¶ ma starego)

Startowanie albumu zdjêæ - Wci¶nij "Photo" na pilocie
Startowanie odtwarzacza Mp3 - Wci¶nij "Music" na pilocie

Login/has³o dla ftp: root/ipbox

Do Pobrania Tu: AB Image r7932

* Updated to SVN 7932 (aktualizacja do SVN 7932)
* fixed: EVOCAMD script now support /var/bin/evocamd (poprawiono scrypty EVOCAMD)
* fixed: MGCAMD script fixed to work with binary /var/bin/mgcamd (poprawiono skrypty MGCAMD)
* fixed: network DHCP correctly initiated at first boot only (poprawiono inicjacje DHCP, poprawnie startuje za pierwszym razem)
* fixed: skin blue/grey - channel search not working (poprawiono skin blue/grey)
* fixed: firmare upgrade from webif (poprawiono upgrade z webif-a)
* included: cool,nlb_blue_nlb_grey skins from @crash (zawiera skiny kol.crash-a blue i grey)
* --------- no downloads needed (nie wymagaja ¶ci±gania)
* --------- nlb_blue is default used now (blue jest skinem domy¶lnym)
* included plugin: hddtemp v0.0.6 by kneubi (zawiera plugin hddtemp v0.0.6)
* included plugin: script v0.0.2 by kneubi (zawiera plugin script v0.0.2)
* updated: Danish menu language file (aktualizacja jêzyka Duñskiego)
* * remember to upload configs/files into /var/keys (pamiêtajcie o wrzuceniu konfigów do /var/keys)


Do pobrania kolejna wersja z poprawkami, tym razem wersja "C"

Zmiany,które nast±pi³y w wersji B i C:

*Wersja 0.1.4C:
Poprawiono b³±d w pliku
..is set 900hd server for net upgrade

*Wersja 0.1.4B:
Teraz dzia³a czytnik kart



Pojawi³ siê kolejny upgrade do SifTeam-0.1.4-r7932 upgrade-22_08


Added: New system for use plugin Red button open * SifTeam Panel * (work in progress) Change Button action: Red = Panel Plugin Green = Start/Stop default cam Yellow = Print in screen /tmp/ecm.info ...(your old file, if present, is saved with .old extension)

My¶lê, ¿e nie wymaga t³umaczenia

No i mamy R2 tego upgradu


Oficjalne wydanie softu od DGS dla cuberevo/9000HD

- Baza DB zosta³a zaktualizowana do wersji 7934
- dodano funkcjê szybkiego ³adowania (dla listy kana³ow w opcji skanowania)
- zmodyfikowano funkcjê montowania poprzez sieæ

Do Pobrania Tu: DGS r8022
Sifteam v0.1.5 r8022 9000HD/900HD

- Zaktualizowano panel pod czerwonym przyciskiem
- soft bazuje na nowym sofcie od DGS r8022

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.1.5 r8022 9000HD

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.1.5 r8022 900HD
Pierwszy soft nowego Teamu.

Cli-0.1.0- Based on ABCOM7927 for CubeRevo-MINI

UWAGA !!! Dla osób, które nie czytaj± dok³adnie. Zamieszczony soft jest dla IPBoxa- 900, nie 9000

*Based on Abcom7927 SVN
*Uk scan support( added missing frequancys )
*New style Cli-Abcom web interface
- Send messages to TV
- Send messages to LCD Screen
- Reboot /sleep Control
- ipkg addon support
- Client/Server Support
- USB Controls
- Plus more coming soon
*mgcamd/evocamd suport, (no evocamd binary in image)
*update Keys at touch of a button ( need to add Url to /var/etc/Keyupdate.url
*Cron Job Support - thanks to Foteans Compile Tutorial
*Email 0.2 plugin - Thanks to Kneubi
*Script plugin - thanks to Kneubi
*Web TV - thanks to Pacco
* extra commands for sbin like dc and tr
* RED.sh for easy change of red button use - current update keys
* green.sh for easy change of green button use - Restart cam

T³umaczenie wkrótce.

Nowy soft od pena1010b

- Also included is newcs 1.62
- linked nonstandard_encoding , private_epg_info to /var folder

Sifteam v0.1.6 r8022 9000D

*From 0.1.6:
Added kneubi script plugin, modified
for new SIF panel system
(Removed kneubi script from online)
Modified more script (for print in LCD)
Added "sdparm" (like hddparm, for USB_HD)


*Od wersji 0.1.6:
Dodano plugin "Skrypt" od kolegi kneubi zmodyfikowany pod nowy System paneli w sofcie Sifteam (Usuniêto plugin "skrypt" z aktualizacji poprzez net)
- Zmodyfikowano wiêcej skryptów
- Dodano "sdparm" (jak "hddparm" dla USB_HD)

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.1.6 r8022 9000HD
NLB 8022 v3

include: mbox 10.09.2008
changed: mbox fix for viasat channels
-------: restarting mbox did not clear channel without change channel
changed: soft update script now correctly uses /var/bin/soft
-------: selectable from -assign button- menu too

Sifteam v0.1.6 r8022 900D

*From 0.1.6:
Added kneubi script plugin, modified
for new SIF panel system
(Removed kneubi script from online)
Modified more script (for print in LCD)
Added "sdparm" (like hddparm, for USB_HD)


*Od wersji 0.1.6:
Dodano plugin "Skrypt" od kolegi kneubi zmodyfikowany pod nowy System paneli w sofcie Sifteam (Usuniêto plugin "skrypt" z aktualizacji poprzez net)
- Zmodyfikowano wiêcej skryptów
- Dodano "sdparm" (jak "hddparm" dla USB_HD)

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.1.6 r8022 900HD
Oficjal od DGS r8107

Based on svn revision r8107.
Need DB version R7934.

- can read old versions of USB stick
- support RGB output
- support HDD sleep
- can't deleting recording file
- support Multi Mount Manager

<Pobierz IPBox9000>

Sifteam v0.1.7 r8107 Cuberevo/9000HD

*From 0.1.7:
Based on new DGS r8107
Added more change in any script.
Remove Sif_System plugin
..use kneubi script for default.


*Od wersji 0.1.7

Soft bazuje na r8107 DGS
Dodano wiêcej zmian w wielu skryptach
Usuniêto Sif_System Plugin
...teraz u¿ywa skryptu kolegi kneubi domy¶lnie

Do Pobrania Tu: SifTeam-0.1.7-r8107 Cuberevo/9000HD

AB 8107 9000HD

Changelog Fixed:
- can read old versions of USB stick
- EPG on UPC Direct and Cifra+
- support HDD sleep
- can't deleting recording file Add:
- support Multi Mount Manager
- support RGB output
- page skip with L/R button in FAV list Recommended uboot 1.3.2 .

Photo album start
- Press "Photo" button on RCU MP3 player start
- Press "Music" button on RCU
- ftp login/password: root/ipbox
- Software upgrade from USB memory stick (host) : This function supported only uboot 1.3.1 or 1.3.2 ! If you use older uboot, upgrade first uboot 1.3.2 with USB cable and Flash tools from PC. ? backup important data from memory stick before try to update. Remove all data from it. ? copy image file to USB stick and rename to "usb update.img" ? run "remove h/w(memory stick)" function on PC. You can see icon on right bottom (left of clock) screen. ? turn off the stb(Standby + OK) and insert the memory stick. ? press and hold Standby button until front display shows ?BOOTING? a

<Pobierz 9000> /wymaga rejstracji

<Pobierz 900>
/wymaga rejstracji

Sifteam v0.1.7 r8107 900HD

*From 0.1.7:
Based on new DGS r8107
Added more change in any script.
Remove Sif_System plugin
..use kneubi script for default.


*Od wersji 0.1.7

Soft bazuje na r8107 DGS
Dodano wiêcej zmian w wielu skryptach
Usuniêto Sif_System Plugin
...teraz u¿ywa skryptu kolegi kneubi domy¶lnie

Do Pobrania Tu: SifTeam-0.1.7-r8107 900HD
nlb8107 9000HD

- bazuje na svn8107 z DGS !!
- zintegrowany: mbox 17.09.2008

nlb8107 IPBox900


* include: svn8107 from DGS
* include: mbox 17.09.2008
* included: Deutsch translation from svn8022
* include: Documentation on nlb mod features included.
Remember to download skins update on network update.


include: mbox 3.10.2008 (0.4 Build 0005)
fixed: cam scripts
-----: if img file was found on usb stick, cam script closed
-----: causing freeze or no decoding
fixed: skins
fixed: /var/bin/soft reference
fixed: IP9 USB Stick setup as HDD, must be above 2GB,
------ 128MB swap is allocated.
updated: reversed to busybox from previous release DGS SVN8022.. killall did not work
updated: Multiboot is updated to support usb stick changes
updated: Full German translation update (Byti)
updated: Full Danish translation update (pen1010b)
updated: Documentation on nlb mod features.

Sifteam v0.1.7 r8107 9000HD

Nowy sifteam bazowany na r8107 z fixem dla karty sieciowej. Teraz ju¿ sieciówka siê nie wiesza przy przesy³aniu du¿ych plików czy streamingu obrazu na PC

Do Pobrania Tu: SifTeam-0.1.7-r8107 9000HD
Sifteam v0.1.7 r8107 9000HD

Ok. Oto Nowy sifteam bazowany na mojej testowej wersji r8107 z fixem na Oba Epg na C+ i innymi poprawkami np:

- zaktualizowany panel Install
- poprawki w skryptach
- dodano fixa (zaktualizowany Kernel) na po³±czenie po lanie. Teraz ju¿ nie zrywa po³±czenia i nie zatrzymuje sieciówki...

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam v0.1.7 r8107 9000HD
DGS r8264 900HD

The Readme for CubeRevo HD model series.
This document was approved on 17/OCT/2008 by the DGSTATION.

NEW RELEASE r8264: Added or improved Function
1. The video player(Divx 3,4 and xvid, mpeg 2, H.264)
: video player can support some file formats such as *.avi, *.mpg and *.mpeg.
you have to change the extention as *.avi, *.mpg and *.mpeg before playback.
press pause : pause state
Pause> pause : pause state
Play button only can be exit from pause mode.
Sometimes, If the file needs higher class CODEC than current one, it may be not played.
If the file itself too high bitrate, it may be not played.
The version of Divx CODEC more than 5.2 doesn't support it.
2. WebTV on webinterface
: First of all, you have to install VLC Player on your PC.
It's tested on Firefox and Internet Explorer 7.
Javascript is required.
Streaming works for 720p channels, but for 1080i there is not enough network bandwidth.
USAGE: Surf to http://(boxip)/webtv/
3. ITV HD(Astra 28,5)
: it should use Advanced Search menu with manually (3401 VPID, 3402 APID, 2326 PCR PID)
4. improved to related USB HDD
: 1 channel recording in a TP and 1 recorded file playback or 1 another channel watching in the same TP.
5. improved channel zapping speed
6. Solve the bug of the USALS
7. Solve the bug of the Diseqc 1.2.
8. Support HDD sleep
: If select timeshift off, HDD willgo sleep mode after 3 minutes.
9. Update DB for DVB-T and DVB-C
: Ireland MMDS(Terrestrial), IRE6887 Quick(Cable), ENG6952 Quick(Cable)
10. improved to related plugin
11. channel list of Grid EPG follow channel sorting
12. bug fixed static IP
13. Added FAST SCAN function for Benelux
known issues
: WSS in Recorded Files.
: HDMI with compressed Dolby digital audio
: DVB subtitle
Above all, we can confirm the effect in the DGSTATION enviroments.
We cannot be sure of the same result.
If not so, contact with us.
e-mail: support@dgstation.co.kr
Thank you.

DGS r8264 9000HD

The Readme for CubeRevo HD model series.
This document was approved on 17/OCT/2008 by the DGSTATION.

NEW RELEASE r8264: Added or improved Function
1. The video player(Divx 3,4 and xvid, mpeg 2, H.264)
: video player can support some file formats such as *.avi, *.mpg and *.mpeg.
you have to change the extention as *.avi, *.mpg and *.mpeg before playback.
press pause : pause state
Pause> pause : pause state
Play button only can be exit from pause mode.
Sometimes, If the file needs higher class CODEC than current one, it may be not played.
If the file itself too high bitrate, it may be not played.
The version of Divx CODEC more than 5.2 doesn't support it.
2. WebTV on webinterface
: First of all, you have to install VLC Player on your PC.
It's tested on Firefox and Internet Explorer 7.
Javascript is required.
Streaming works for 720p channels, but for 1080i there is not enough network bandwidth.
USAGE: Surf to http://(boxip)/webtv/
3. ITV HD(Astra 28,5)
: it should use Advanced Search menu with manually (3401 VPID, 3402 APID, 2326 PCR PID)
4. improved to related USB HDD
: 1 channel recording in a TP and 1 recorded file playback or 1 another channel watching in the same TP.
5. improved channel zapping speed
6. Solve the bug of the USALS
7. Solve the bug of the Diseqc 1.2.
8. Support HDD sleep
: If select timeshift off, HDD willgo sleep mode after 3 minutes.
9. Update DB for DVB-T and DVB-C
: Ireland MMDS(Terrestrial), IRE6887 Quick(Cable), ENG6952 Quick(Cable)
10. improved to related plugin
11. channel list of Grid EPG follow channel sorting
12. bug fixed static IP
13. Added FAST SCAN function for Benelux
known issues
: WSS in Recorded Files.
: HDMI with compressed Dolby digital audio
: DVB subtitle
Above all, we can confirm the effect in the DGSTATION enviroments.
We cannot be sure of the same result.
If not so, contact with us.
e-mail: support@dgstation.co.kr
Thank you.

Sifteam v0.1.8 r8264 9000HD/Revo


*Od wersji 0.1.8:
- Dodano wiêcej zmian w skryptach
- Soft bazuje na DGS r8264

Do Pobrania Tu: SifTeam-0.1.8-r8264

1. Fixed Swaping PIP
2. Fixed Audio Language Preferences.
3. Fixed an combination of USALS and Diseqc

Do Pobrania Tu: DGS r8314 9000HD



Nowa wersja r8340: Dodano/Poprawiono
1. Dodano rozmiar Video
(wci¶nij przycisk "i" 2 razy)
2. pokazuje rodzaj odtwarzanych formatów przez Odtwarzacz Video
(divx, xvid, mpeg, mpg, trp, vob, avi)
3. Naprawiono bug z trybem Standby gdy nie ma sygna³u
4. Dzisiaj aktualizowa³em polskie t³umaczenie ale nie wiem czy ju¿ DGS je doda³ bo czekam na Sifteam i dopiero sprawdze. jak nie bêdzie w tej wersji to bêdzie w nastêpnej...

Do Pobrania tu: DGS r8340 9000HD

Nowa wersja r8340: Dodano/Poprawiono
1. Dodano rozmiar Video
(wci¶nij przycisk "i" 2 razy)
2. pokazuje rodzaj odtwarzanych formatów przez Odtwarzacz Video
(divx, xvid, mpeg, mpg, trp, vob, avi)
3. Naprawiono bug z trybem Standby gdy nie ma sygna³u
4. Dzisiaj aktualizowa³em polskie t³umaczenie ale nie wiem czy ju¿ DGS je doda³ bo czekam na Sifteam i dopiero sprawdze. jak nie bêdzie w tej wersji to bêdzie w nastêpnej...

Do Pobrania tu: DGS r8340 900HD

CubeRevo nlb8340

login: root
password: relook

Prepared by : Dexter & pen1010b
Release date : October 23. 2008
* added: NLB Panel (start with green button) onscreen menu, webif alternative
* added: Incubus camd v0.5 (not configured! will crash box if not configured)
* added: mount usb stick or Harddrive with Windows filesystem at bootup
* added: format usb stick with Windows filesystem in Webif
* added: hdd sleep period configure option
* added: restore var from usb
* added: switch between nlb and dgs webif (dgs webif has WebTV support!)
* added: plugins - tetris,pong,sudoku,weather
* updated: cam scripts
* updated: mbox Build 0015
* updated: format usb stick with Linux filesystem for multiboot in webif
* updated: Full German translation update (Byti)
* updated: Full Swedish translation update (Wikings1)
* updated: Full Danish translation update (pen1010b)
* updated: Documentation on nlb mod features.
* fixed: mount usb stick with Windows filesystem
* fixed: multiboot - now supports usb_all and usb_all_noboot images
* Thanks to Byti,Spiderman,Wikings1,teleka for intensive testing and reports


Oficjal od ABCom 8340



1. Dodano wsparcie dla skompresowanego audio w DD poprzez HDMI
2. Dodano opcjê napisów DVB/ TXT do wyboru
3. Zaktualizowano Polski, Finski i Ruski jêzyk
4. Gdy nazwa kana³u jest za d³uga uaktywniana jest funkcja front scroll
5. Dodano rozdzielczo¶æ video w g³ównym infobarze (jako ikonka) z tym ¿e narazie ¶miga na kana³ach FTA (HD i SD)
6. Poprawiono opcje szybkiego skanowania
7. Teraz dzia³aj± oba epg MHW (7 dni) i DVB (3 dni)
8. A jednak napisy (DVB) na c+ ¶migaj±. Sprawdzi³em ponownie i jest OK
9. Sprawdzi³em kilka filmów na szybko i nie zauwa¿y³em lipsync (nie zgranego obrazu z d¼wiêkiem) Tak¿e filmy sz³y p³ynnie (testowane z HDD)

t³um. zbigzbig20

<pobierz 9000>

<pobierz 900>

Jest równie¿ nowy sif-panel


login: root
password: relook

Prepared by : Dexter
Release date : November 3. 2008
* updated: SVN8421 update with fixed DIVX player (libsync issue fix)!!
* updated: nlb panel with internet update
* updated: mgcamd 1.31 included (fixes old need for mgcamd130, and this is now gone)
* fixed: swap setup with HDD and USB
* fixed: skins updated to 3.3, thanks to zbigzbig and Crash for making quick updates
* added: NLB Panel 1.33 (start with green button) onscreen menu, webif alternative
* added: plugins added - WebEPG 0.1 (Readme in the /data folder)
* updated: cam scripts with bigger timeout
* updated: mbox Build 0015 (the one with gbox support)
* updated: Full German translation 8421 update (Byti)
* updated: Full Danish translation 8421 update (pen1010b)
* included: Documentation on nlb mod features.
* added: Enable/disable hdd swap at bootup.

DGS r8611 Oficial dla 9000HD

Nowy oficjalny soft od DGS. Potestujcie je¶li chcecie lub poczekajcie na sifteam/nlb osadzone na tej wersji.

Do Pobrania Tu: DGS r8611

Prepared by : Dexter
Release date : December 10. 2008
* added: NFS mount replacement for HDD SD media recording folder
* --------: - can be enabled disabled under IP9000 -> change NFS/HDD media in webif.
* - Thanks to DGS for assistance on kernel fix.
* - HD Recordings works too, but will studder! so you are warned.
* fix: NFS mount on boxes without internal hdd.
* fix: Slow NFS mount fix (thanks to semack for the help).
* added: - delay option in panel for Nagra3 cards.
* added: - Germans with nagra card should use 20 seconds and it decodes at bootup
* added: ushare for sharing through UPnP protocol (like to PS3) Thanks to Kneubi
* -----: enable/disable/restart in Webif->system options
* added: Option to run boot scripts from /var/etc in hotfix situation.
* plugins: bitrate 0.0.2 and favpip 0.7 .
* updated: newcs.xml added boxkey code to support German NDS cards.
* updated: NL language files (Gman2006)

Pobierz: nlb8611-v1.21

login: root
password: relook
Sifteam r8611

Nowa wersja softu sifteam bazowana na nowej "becie" DGS. Soft od dgs wyszed³ przez przypadek. Nie mia³ byæ kolejn± oficjaln± wersj± ale jak juz jest to zawsze mo¿ecie potestowaæ.

Do Pobrania Tu: Sifteam r8611
ABCom r8630 for 9000

OBS£UGA 2 g³owic !!!

AB r8630_151208_change log

Bug Fixed :

- PVR trick/record length bug
- Fast scan bugs
- crash problem When schedule recording
- Nova HD EPG fixed
- crash problem after press EPG button in Bulgarian menu

Changed/improved :
- add DVB and TTX subtitle support
- Change Date format(dd.mm.yyyy)
- add support for DreCam - You need installed "addon_DreCam_support...."
- improved LAN connection speed (now is speedy)
- for 9000HD : add post descramble option with CAM´s
You can record scrambled channel and descramble before playback:
Go to record files list, select scrambled record, press Record button, select CAM with card
for descramble and press OK. STB create new descrambled file.

- support youth protectioon
- support nfs mount recording
. remove access to /media/
. mount remote directory to /media
. mount -o nolock,soft IPIRECTORY /media/
- display video resolution in info banner
- upgrade Finnish, Russian, Polish, Bulgarian, Czech and Slovak languages
- Support HDMI with compressed Dolby digital audio
- Add Front scroll function when channel name is long.
- When schedule recording, remove timeshift buffer.
- new AB setting for Astra 19.2, HotBird 13 and Astra 23.5
- installed plugins: mail, weather, bitrate , tetris, pong, sudoku, favpip


lub <TUTAJ>
NLB8611 to NLB8630 Upgrade

CubeRevo nlb8611 to nlb8630-v1.21 quick upgrade
login: root
password: relook

This ONLY WORKS ON NLB8611 firmware..and takes/requires 2MB in /var

copy binary "sbox_update" included into your /var/etc
with ftp.... in your favorite ftp application (ie. totalcmd) type
chmod 755 sbox_update

and reboot box and you are upto 8630 edition.



skopiuj za³±czony plik "sbox_update" do katalogu /var/etc
przez ftp.... za pomoc± np. totalcmd
zmieñ uprawnienia pliku na 755 (wpisz chmod 755 sbox_update)

i zrestaruj tuner. I masz ju¿ edycjê 8630.

<<Download sbox_update>>
DGS r8718 9000HD/Cuberevo

This README is for CubeRevo HD model series.
This document was approved on 24/Dec/2008 by the DGSTATION.

DGS release r8718: ( 24/Dec/2008)
1. Added "post-descrambling with CAM" function on system settings menu
: When this option is enabled and the smartcard and the CI CAM is used for another work, it records the program without descrambling,
and then you can descramble the recorded file later.

- The channel in record cannot be watchable.
- The recorded file can not be descrambled before post-descrambling with CAM enabled on the menu.
- even if Post-descrambling with CAM option is diabled, the scrambled program can be recorded, but not descrambled.

The recorded file must be performed ·°descrambling·± before the next smartcard update.
If descrambling is not running, it is impossible to do the file descrambling anymore
or able to damage the smartcard since the smartcard has already been updated.

2. Added HUB function for USB host.
3. Fixed record programs with DVB subtitle.
4. Support adjust LipSync using page up/down buttons in Videoplayer
5. Support NFS function for Linux System in Mount manager
- changed NFS config in /etc/exports
ex) /home/user_path/share,no_root_squash,sync)
- Removed the firewall of system
- Removed the firewall of IP table when your system is Fedora
# iptables -F
6. Support displays elapsing time on banner of MP3 player
7. Support Sort function on TMP folder in Recorded files menu
8. Support auto adjustment local time during boot up if the time variation is less than 10 minutes.
9. Updated language table for Slovak, Bulgarian, Polish and Russian
10. Fixed DVB EPG bug for HB13 10891
11. Fixed elapsing time error when schedule recording.
12. Added ITV HD audio or video type options as AC3, H.264, MPEG 2 etc in Advanced Search menu
13. Fixed bugs in scanning and zapping of the channels with diseqc and usals.
14. Added WSS function through SCART

Do Pobrania Tu:

Cuberevo : http://dev.dgstation.co.kr/release/cuberev...8718.242037.zip
Cuberevo-Mini : http://dev.dgstation.co.kr/release/cuberev...8718.242042.zip
Cuberevo-3000HD : http://dev.dgstation.co.kr/release/cuberev...8718.242044.zip
Cuberevo-200HD : http://dev.dgstation.co.kr/release/cuberev...8718.242135.zip
Sifteam r8718 dla 900/910/9000HD
DGS r8728 IPBOX 9000

This README is for CubeRevo HD model series.
This document was approved on 26/Dec/2008 by the DGSTATION.

DGS release r8728: ( 26/Dec/200cool
1. Support *.mkv with video player.
- If the file needs higher class CODEC, the file will not be playback with video player .
- In case of too higher bitrate file, it possible to make a problem for playback (especially *.vob and *.mkv.).
2. Fixed crashing problem with higher symbol rate as 30,000(S/R) TP.
3. Fixed some bug for schedule recording.
4. Fixed record subtitle.

known issue : DVB subtitle color problem.


Sifteam r8728 dla 900/910/9000HD
DGS r8833 9000HD/Cuberevo

bez opisu zmian w wydaniu


SifTeam R8833 IP 9000

- Naprawiony b³±d w nagrywaniu
- DVB napisy teraz OK

- nowe opcje skanowania
- funkcja przewijania w Video Player


CubeRevo nlb svn8833 v1.27 for 9000

login: root
password: relook

First time boot with Remote not working, is not fixed yet.. sorry!
Reboot at lang screen and all is okay.

Prepared by : Dexter
Release date : January 18. 2009
* updated - SVN8833 unofficial (BETA) from DGStation.
* Fix - PANIC situation when DGS Webif is open on pc during bootup.
* Changed - HDD Format of ext2 formatted usb/harddrive even if it was ok.
* Updated - multiboot had some issue with usb sticks above 2GB.
* Updated - multiboot install now works on boxes where usb is mounted as harddrive.
* Fix - multiboot webif on port 81 was using old webif directory.
* Changed - ECM info in webif now showing correct info again.
* Added - newcs 1.63 with updated configs (added 357 mhz to all configs).
* plugins - Added shoutcast 0.51, bitrate 0.4, favpip 1.9.4, fps 0.1.3
* skins - deepblue update 3.5 (new livebanner) Thanks to @Crash
* SVN --- - Recording problem with short HD recordings and 2hr stop fixed.
* - simple livebanner (OSD option) still causing crash.
* - DVBSubtitles now pure white with no banner behind.
* - Signal strength bar is now working again.
* - Media player got FastForward/rewind on divx support now (not .VOB files).
* - blind scan - now default/advanced/reset scan.
* - photoalbum now has background.
* - Maturity rating now as agerating number in livebanner.
* - recording with 1tuner boxes, only channels on same transponder shows
in channel list when 1st recording is active.
* NOTE----- this is a BETA, and people with external usb harddrive
can experience recording issues with 2 HD Channel recordings
(Will be seen as STUDDERING and only a reboot solves it).

SifTeam 8873 IP9000HD

1. Add Jump forward/backward function on Video player, except MPEG 1 and MPEG 2 files which are not supported yet.
press once FF or REW button, the interval is 10 seconds.
press and hold FF or REW button, the interval will be increased exponentially. it depends on whole file size.
2. Add Scan option on Channel Scan Menu
When there is no channel list, all these options create with the same result.
- Default scan : scan keeping current FAV list, and new channels will be placed at end of the channel list.
- Smart scan : remove current channel list , and scan, and then update FAV list according to the new channel list.
- Reset scan: remove all of the current channels and FAV group, then scan with new channel data.
3. Add USB upgrade menu
- Main Menu -> Advanced Setup -> Software Upgrade -> USB Mode
it is useful for software upgrade with USB morory stick.
4. Fixed EPG contents Display
- inserted new line on the screen for EPG and extended EPG information as well
5. Fixed DVB subtitle - color table
6. Fixed OSD teletext - some old data not updated occassionally
7. Fixed wrong duration with the file after schedule recording with EPG
8. Fixed Local time auto update
- When the last channel time of the Satellite is different from the STB time within 10 minutes,
the STB time is automatically adjusted with the Satellite time during the STB booting.
9. Updated Polish language table.
10. Updated Web-interface
11. Fixed small bugs

known issues : sync with audio and subtitle
artefact with premiere HD channels from satellite and cable
no audio with such as Digifilm channel
adjust color table of DVB subtitle for some channels

AB release r8873

1. Add Jump forward/backward function on Video player, except MPEG 1 and MPEG 2 files which are not supported yet. press once FF or REW button, the interval is 10 seconds. press and hold FF or REW button, the interval will be increased exponentially. it depends on whole file size. 2. Add Scan option on Channel Scan Menu When there is no channel list, all these options create with the same result. - Default scan : scan keeping current FAV list, and new channels will be placed at end of the channel list. - Smart scan : remove current channel list , and scan, and then update FAV list according to the new channel list. - Reset scan: remove all of the current channels and FAV group, then scan with new channel data. 3. Add USB upgrade menu - Main Menu -> Advanced Setup -> Software Upgrade -> USB Mode it is useful for software upgrade with USB morory stick. 4. Fixed EPG contents Display - inserted new line on the screen for EPG and extended EPG information






*Wymaga rejestracji

Widzê, ¿e nikt nie zapoda³ tutaj najnowszej enigmy.

Enigma2 SifTeam 0.2.0 mod PKT beta 3.0b

Image przeznaczone na pendrive z fs ext2 lub ext3
Instalacja dok³adnie taka sama jak w poprzedniej wersji


Pozdrawiamy Polish Kathi Team !!!!!!
Nowe softy
Nowy soft DGS 9047.051213
DGS 9047
Lista zmianKOD
New ABCOM firmware for IPBox 91-900-910-9000 HD r9203-020409

1. Added 4:3 zoom function on 16:9 TV system
2. Added Ukraine language on the menu
3. Added Display with channel numbers on front display instead of the non-Latin characters
4. Keep the current file system without automatic format even though the file system is ext2 or ext3.
5. Fixed File name bug of the main recording event on EPG Schedule Record
6. Fixed CSLink panic on ASTRA 23.5E 11876
7. Fixed Web interface bugs(no RCU image, 91HD didn't work Web interface, etc) and Update Web interface version
8. Fixed Display strange EPG time info on the banner
9. Fixed Subtitle sync.
10. Fixed Audio jerky on BadrC(26.E) 11938V
11. Fixed A/V Freeze of some HD & SD channels in Turksat, Eutelsat and so on.
12. Fixed Panic problem on ERT world and ERT Sat channels
13. Fixed no audio on Eurosport HD, and Sport HD of Eutelsat 36E TP 12111.
14. Improver stability with file playback and trick functions use 15. Add back menu item "Subtitle language" to language setup menu
16. Updated Russian, Romania
17. Updated Smartcard driver
18. Added Drag interval adjustment preciesely such as 10 sec, 30sec, 1min, 5min, 10min, 30min, 1hour in recorded files or timeshift
- Adjustment: 1. menu(System Settings --> Drag Interval),
2. direct buttons only with "Recorded files" with Pg+/- on RCU.

1. Ext3 file system is slower than Ext2 normally.
If you record two HD channels with Ext3 at the same time, it may fail in record.
1. Files "...r9203DRE.." supported only DRE Cam´s . If you don´t use Dre Cam module, don´t use this image version !!!!

Known issues(on going).
1. Artefact with Premiere HD channels from satellite or cable.
2. Channels with nonstandard characters in name , e.g. "+" show on display as channel number only. Will be fixed in next version.

1. we strongly recommend to format your USB memory stick before the new image copy in it, otherwise, it may happen "ER10".
2. You have to change the name of updated sw into "usb_update.img" when you upgrade the sw by the USB memory stick.

<WSZYSTKIE WERSJE> wymaga rejestracji

SifTeam 0.2.0 r-9207

Zmiany jak w sofcie AB.

<POBIERZ> wszystkie wersje

Cuberevo Series 1.0.(r9580) version-9000

DGS release r9580: ( 29/May/2009)
1. Add function displaying time always on Front panel
2. Add schedule recording title name on webif
3. Fixed video player panic when spdif is off
4. Fixed slow icon on TrickPlay and FilePlay
5. Mapping blue key as check key for 250-hd in filebrowser
6. Change hdd clean process on hddinit script
7. Syunchronized sleep Mode as power_control option
8. Adjust analog output level(advanced quality of Component, Composite and S-Video)
9. Update tp information Thor0.8W and Astra 19.2E
10. Fixed many small bugs

1. Our Video player is related with CODEC, FPS(frame per second) and resolution.
As you know, even if the Filename Extension is different each other,
if the video codec is same each other, the two files work like same.
If the video file's resolution is more than 720 X 576, it will works very well.
So, we recommend below conditions.
1) resolution : 720 X 576.
2) FPS : 24, 25 and 30 fps.
3) Following video and audio codec.
Video Codec : XVID(Without GMC and Qpel), OpenDivx(less than Divx5.2), MPEG1, MPEG2, H.264
Audio Codec : MP2, MP3, AC3
When file's codec is Xvid, If you remove the GMC and Qpel, it works well.
If the file's video codec is MPEG series, it doesn't support the adjusting sync function on video player.

2. ext3 file system is slower than ext2 normally.
If you record two HD channels with ext3 at the same time, it may fail in record.

we have checked the speed as below
ext2 speed : approximately 7MB/s
ext3 speed : approximately 3MB/s

Known issues(on going).
1. Artefact with Premiere HD channels from satellite or cable.

1. we strongly recommend to format your USB memory stick before the new image copy in it, otherwise, it may happen "ER10".
2. you should download usb_all_noboot.img into STB for improving Web interface and plugins, otherwise, the function will be the same as previous one

SifTeam DGS release r10513

1. Fixed a few bugs for Post-Descramble
2. Return to previous method that select subtitle language in Language settings Menu
3. Fixed some bugs for Multiroom Service.
Protocol for mutiroom service is changed from this version. So, older SW(r10427) is not compatible with this SW(r10513).

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • erfly06132.opx.pl

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