Erotyka — strony, Obrazki i wiele więcej na WordPress
Na co jak na co, ale na ilo¶æ modów ostatnio siê ukazuj±cych to narzekaæ nie mo¿na. Tan o którym napiszê teraz zosta³ stworzony przez Neo Nightkin`a i wprowadza/zmienia nastêpuj±ce rzeczy:
- New pre made character.
- New main menu look.
- Rocket launcher replaced with crossbow.
- Money replaced with bottle caps.
- Both Iguana-on-a-stick replaced with a 'Total Make-Over!' case, there is a light version and a jumbo version.
- Unwashed villagers hunting spammer replaced with GameFAQ-Fallouters hunting Cassidy1234.
- Son of Bob is a gay stylist.
- The Iguana stand is turned into a Make-Up stand.
- Combat Leather Armor changed in to FEV-Jar, turns you into a Super Mutant.